Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I have a couple of neat deck ideas I would like to share. I was waiting until the release of Alara Reborn to add all those juicy gold cards into the mix. I like GOLD! 

One of these decks has some interesting lifegain potential, the other has none, but just seemed too fun to pass up. On to the decks!

Deck 1
Ooooooooooooo, Zombies... (Standard U/B/W)
Creatures: (16)
Lich Lord of Unx x4
Fleshbag Maurauder x4
Death Baron x4
Tidehollow Sculler x4

Spells: (20)
Path to Exile x4
Wrath of God x4
Cruel Edict x4
Negate x4
Necromancer's Covenant x4

Lands: (24)
Reflecting Pool x3
Adarkar Wastes x4
Arcane Sanctum x4
Plains x4
Swamp x8
Island x1

The decks purpose is pretty straightforward. Blow stuff up, blow it up again, then do it again, then get alot of zombies and watch them die. It should do well against many decks and several decks will really hate it, hello Revilark Control. I like stealing your graveyard for my hungry dead. Muwhahahaha. 

Once I play it a few times against some different decks I will make a post about how it performs.

Deck 2
Punch to the Face! (Standard G/R)
Creatures: (24)
Bloodbraid Elf x4
Rip-Clan Crasher x4
Hellpsark Elemental x4
Boggart Ram-Gang x4
Jund Hackblade x4
Blitz Hellion x4

Spells: (12)
Violent Outburst x4
Colossal Might x4
Incinerate x4

Lands: (24)
Ancient Ziggurat x4
Reflecting Pool x4
Karplusan Forest x4
Forest x5
Mountain x7

No, you did not read it incorrectly, ever creature has Haste and every spell is an instant. No hidden agenda here, I plan to smash you in the face. The worst part about this deck is that it probably isn't fast enough for Standard. How sad is that. I will play some games and let everyone know how it does. If I get the nuts draw/cascade, you die on 4. Seems fast enough, but so many cheap fast removal effects, we will have to see. It looks like a blast to play anyway.

This deck also features one the coolest effects to come from Wizards in quite awhile. I am very excited about Cascade. I think it is an awesome mechanic and I hope they use it again and don't just leave it to languish in this one set.

Until next time, Lordwraith out...