Saturday, March 14, 2009

And so it begins....

Well I decided to blog about something I like to do but never have enough time for, Magic: The Gathering. For those of you who don't know what that is, let me be your guide.

Way back in 1993 a math nerd named Richard Garfield created a "genre" of games now ubiquitously called Collectible Card Games, or CCG's for short. There have been many of these types of games that have come and gone, but Magic has endured, proving, that it pays to be first. I have included the Wikipedia page for further exploration, if you so choose: Magic: the Gathering

The name of my blog is quite humorous for me as I have heard this cry so many times during matches, in articles, and from friends, so I figured why not write about and explore ideas and decks that might disprove, "Lifegain is bad!"

Enjoy the ride.

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