Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some conclusions.

Friday night I piloted the G/W/B re-animater EDH against some skilled opponents. The results were pretty good, even though I was eliminated first. It was a 4-player game featuring friends, Sean, Greg, Aaron and myself. I was facing the following decks, a R/B Malfegor, a R/B Karevek, and a G/W/U cycle/slide/exalted Rafiq. 

I busted out Doran on 3, dropped a Mirari's wake on 4 and then a Grave Pact on turn 5. The next hour and 45 minutes I effectively held off all three decks, but finally succumbed to damage. Everyone else, sans Sean, with his Rafiq deck was down to about 15 health by that time though and pretty much nothing lived for too long. Grave Shell Sacrab and Grave Pact is like cheating. :)

I made some play errors that might have cost me. I kept returning The Scarab instead of my Yavimaya Elder to the top of my deck via Volrath's Stronghold. Drawing extra cards and fetching lands seems like a sure-fire plan. I also wasted too many resources going after Karevek and cost myself about 19 damage by being hasty. I also foolishly mana-burned for about 6-8 extra damage too. I know, bad magic player alert!

One very interesting thing is that I quickly became the focus of everyone's ire, the Wake and the Grave Pact seemed to make people unhappy, go figure...

I am happy how the deck performed, even with Sean removing most all of my recursion engine from the game, jerk! He did help me refine and shape the deck into the monster it is, so he had some insider knowledge. I still call no fair though. LOL

After I died, it was pretty much a beating from Malfegor to most everyone else left, with a Banefire for 12 going to Aaron's head from Greg to finish the game. Sadly, I died from a Demonfire to the face from Aaron for 13, so what comes around goes around I guess in the multi-player madness of EDH.

A quick side-note, sorry Sean, Grave Pact and Exalted not a great combo for you. Your deck never got anything going and it was all my fault. hehehehehehe

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